How is Learning Different

Wellbeing of Mind

Kairos has a wide range of ways that we provide wrap-around support to our students and families.

Social Relationships and Community

Kairos reengages students into the school and broader community.

Academic Outcomes

Kairos delivers an education foundation from which students are able to pursue any opportunities that they wish in the future.

Explore the RIPPLE Model

Successfully completing Year 12 has been shown to increase a person’s lifetime income. Students at Kairos are united in the pursuit of completing their Queensland Certificate of Education. We strive hard to provide the best learning environment for students to have their Kairos moment and complete Year 12. Students are also able to complete further academic pathways whilst enrolled at Kairos.

A strong sense of belonging and connection has been shown to have a significant impact on educational outcomes. Thus, developing strong social and community relationships is critical to the Ripple Model. Strong staff relationships are developed through low teacher to student ratios, mentoring activities, excursions and many other activities. Relationships are further enhanced by youth worker support, community connections developed in volunteering and youth worker support services and finally a connection to our tribe with a united educational goal.

Wellbeing is like a continuum. It constantly fluctuates as it is highly individual and highly contextual. For learning to occur, Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs must be met. Kairos offers a plethora of opportunities for students to address their wellbeing when, and if, they are ready. We do not fix young people, rather we provide them with the opportunities and resources for them to learn to address their own wellbeing to ensure they have the mental capacity to learn in the classroom and beyond.

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